Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Last Days

Today is my last day in the Clinic, can´t believe its been over 5 weeks. Tomorrow night I will be leaving for Lima. It feels like I have a million things to do before then. I was told the other day that my spanish is a lot better which was good to hear. It will probably be lost since it seems the only way to remember spanish is to use it everyday. So today will be spent packing, doing laundry, and getting my plants for my project. When we get to Lima I am visiting my host family from Lima and hanging out, possibly do some shopping. Then its off to the beach somewhere for our retreat and then home.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1 week left

I only have one week left in the Selva before its back to Lima. Today in the clinic I got my warts off by the doctor. The gave me shots to numb my fingers then burned them off. Im hoping that they are gone for good know. We went to Highland Coffee yesterday which was interesting to see where a student from our group is doing their service. They sell a lot of different things and we were able to sample a few things. We also went to 2 cremolada places. Cremoladas are the best thing in the world here. This week is packed with last minute trips and lastly finishing up projects and readings.

Monday, March 19, 2012

lost flip flop

It was Alishas sisters birthday yesterday and sadly i wasnt able to go. Communication is sometimes difficult but i stopped by today to have cake and some candies. My back was bothering me at work today and the doctor ask if I wanted hime to fix it. I was like i dont know butthe nhe insisted and it felt a lot better after it was cracked back into place. We went swimming near a waterfall last weekend and my brother said he needed my flip flops to stop the water from going down the water fall so that it would make a decent size pool. And a long story short one of my flip flops washed away with the river becuase it went through one of the wohles that is was supposed to stop the water from going thru. So know i only have my left flip flop. The same thing happend to one other person we both only have the left one.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The directers of SST are visiting the Selva this week. That means all my homework that has been done at this point in service is due. They are coming to my house for lunch today and then the clinic thrusday. This week has been a busy week at the clinic. I´ve had the chance to cut open a persons leg becuase of an infection and watched a cesarean birth. My cousin Miguel comes over a lot to play cards and takes me to waterfalls that are close by. We will probably see another one today when Alisha comes over after work.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This week was an interesting week. The head doctor of the clinic is back so there is a lot more going on. Saw an amputated fingure and lots of other interesting things. The weekends a mostly filled with various hikes and walks around the jungle. The weather here is really nice it doesnt rain as much as i thought it would, except whenever i do my laundry it decides to rain. Yesterday the families kitten came who is 5 months old and is so cute. I have gotten to assist in the clinic more which is nice and i can actually see that my spanish is improving. And i will even be attending a peruvian wedding in 2 saturdays which will be cool. We are required to wear all white so i guess that means im going shopping.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The first week in the clinc was pretty slow but this week has gone a lot better so far. A lot of the medical machine equipment is all in english so i have had fun typing it in google translator for them. I have gain a lot of experience in the role of a nurse that i am enjoying a lot. I may also see what it is like in a Peruvian hospital which i am excited about. I held a monkeys hand twice, we went to a place where there are lots of butterflies and also had animals. I liked it so much that i went back the next day to show alisha. I found a nice gym in san ramon that i go to in the mornings on tuesday and thursdays before work which has been noce to feel like im still working out and will be more prepared for track season when i come back to the states.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

San Ramon Selva

Arrived at the selva 3 days ago and today happens to be the day it rains alot. Anyways it is beautiful here and we have already gone to a waterfall that is close to where i live which is beautiful. i have taken a few pictures of the flowers already for u dad they are very interesting. Also i ate a mango today that was awesome. They just fall from the trees and i eat them. The clinic has been a good experience so far but sometimes there are no patients so there is a lot of down time. But overall having a great experience so far on service.