Friday, January 20, 2012


We went on a field trip to acopia this week. We planted over 200 trees. We climbed up mountains for 3 hours it was very tiring but worth it in the end. It only took us 1 hour to get back down. We also went to many inca ruins and museums in Cusco. I only have 2 more days with my host family. Then we are traveling for 4 days and finally going to see Manchu pichu.
This picture was taken at one of out stops on one of our trips.

planting trees in the mountains!


  1. Nice picture. Wow 200 trees that is a lot. I am wondering if you had to take them up the mountain or if they were already up there. We had haystacks at Grandpa and Grandma Masts today. Miss you
    Love Mom

  2. Hi Dana:

    Its too cold to plant anything outside right now and so I am planing in pots inside. I havn't got anything to grow yet but they should start sprouting any day now. I think I will plant some tomatoes tonight in pots. They should be a foot tall by the time you get home.

