Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The first week in the clinc was pretty slow but this week has gone a lot better so far. A lot of the medical machine equipment is all in english so i have had fun typing it in google translator for them. I have gain a lot of experience in the role of a nurse that i am enjoying a lot. I may also see what it is like in a Peruvian hospital which i am excited about. I held a monkeys hand twice, we went to a place where there are lots of butterflies and also had animals. I liked it so much that i went back the next day to show alisha. I found a nice gym in san ramon that i go to in the mornings on tuesday and thursdays before work which has been noce to feel like im still working out and will be more prepared for track season when i come back to the states.


  1. Are the monkies wild or someones pets? Glad you are having a good experience so far at the clinic. It was 60 here yesterday but back to winter today. Hope you are well.
    Love Mom

  2. Are the monkey's human or just mammals? I heard the lead singer from the Monkey's died of a sudden heart attack yesturday. Hope you make it home in time for at least one track meet.


  3. it was at this little zoo place. you just stick ur hand out and it just takes it. ya and i just miss the home track meet but i have at least one regular meet and conference.
