Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1 week left

I only have one week left in the Selva before its back to Lima. Today in the clinic I got my warts off by the doctor. The gave me shots to numb my fingers then burned them off. Im hoping that they are gone for good know. We went to Highland Coffee yesterday which was interesting to see where a student from our group is doing their service. They sell a lot of different things and we were able to sample a few things. We also went to 2 cremolada places. Cremoladas are the best thing in the world here. This week is packed with last minute trips and lastly finishing up projects and readings.


  1. Sounds like you have a lot of interesting things going on at the clinic and the surrounding area. How was the wedding? Big Party?

  2. ya big party, it was a lot different then the ones I have been to
